Mission Crest's Character Trait for the Month of October is Empathy. Check out this video featuring students showing their understanding of empathy. Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sXUdSjZJ8pgW3HAYJyyDvd96xuQFhmX-/view?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Empathy 10/18/2022
Brightly-colored fentanyl (referred to as rainbow fentanyl) has been identified as a new trend according to the United States (U.S.) Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). Rainbow fentanyl can be found in many forms, including pills, powder, and blocks that can resemble sidewalk chalk or candy. Any pill (regardless of its color, shape, or size) that does not come from a health care provider or pharmacist can contain fentanyl and can be deadly. For more information you can visit the DEA website here: https://www.dea.gov/press-releases/2022/08/30/dea-warns-brightly-colored-fentanyl-used-target-young-americans
over 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified
Rainbow Fentanyl
Rainbow Fentanyl
Rainbow Fentanyl
Congratulations to Sevena L. from Mrs. Schubert's class on being the Charger of the week for the week of October 18, 2022. Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ntGx5ISUOENJSe2zFypr_s2FeyCGigZg/view?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Charger of the Week 10/18/2022
Mission Crest Classroom Peek for the week of October 3rd. Watch this video and check out what is happening around Mission Crest! Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rV8GqDZJciJ8xSv9K0eLfP2uz4zGFClh/view?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Classroom Peek 10/03
Coming Events at Mission Crest! Check out this video on upcoming events including Unity Day (Anti Bullying Month) 10/19, Red Ribbon Week starting 10/24, and Fall Festival 10/28. Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yBZZV4cVW6pG8DE2QPE6Ahj4Ys2UeI3p/view?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Mission Crest
MC Coming Events 10/17
First Quarter Chargers Ignite #1 - Tug O War! Congratulations Mission Crest students on earning over a 1,000 BOLT slips for showing that you know how to Be safe, respectful and responsible Own your actions Lead positively Think about others Chargers Ignite Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R-45LAxR2flMRCNmx7NjajgQTb99hVxk/view?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Mission Crest will be participating in Red Ribbon Week. During the week of October 24th - 28th, our students will be learning about the danger of drugs and participating in fun dress up days showing their commitment to be drug free! Mission Crest participará en la Semana del Listón Rojo. ¡Durante la semana del 24 al 28 de octubre, nuestros estudiantes aprenderán sobre el peligro de las drogas y participarán en divertidos días de disfraces para demostrar su compromiso de estar libres de drogas!
over 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Red Ribbon Week Eng
Red Ribbon Week Span
Mission Crest is participating in the National Bullying Prevention Month. Show your support by wearing Orange on Wednesday, October 19th!
over 2 years ago, Mission Crest
October is Bully Prevention Month
Mission Crest Make Up Picture Day is Wednesday, October 19, 2022. Please see the attached order form for more details including online order instructions.
over 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Make Up Picture Day
Make Up Picture Order Form
Your donations and support are needed for Mission Crest's Fall Festival. Please see the attached flyers for more information on how you can help!
over 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Span Donations Fall Festival
Eng Donations Fall Festival
You are invited to Mission Crest's Fall Festival is Friday, October 28th from 5:00 - 8:00. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
over 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Spanish Fall Festival
Eng Fall Festival
Mission Crest's 3D Printer Club is learning and having fun. Check out this project. Time Lapse Video Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yaUW4Npmipaa6HR-NRmntHnGruHiJaiT/view?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Friendly reminder... Fall Break starts 10/08 with students returning Mon. 10/17. Today, Fri. 10/07 is a regular school day for elementary students with school being out at 1:47 PM. Have a wonderful Fall Break. Recordatorio amistoso... Las vacaciones de otoño comienzan el 10/08 y los estudiantes regresan el lunes. 10/17. Hoy, viernes el 10/07 es un día escolar normal para los estudiantes de primaria y la escuela termina a la 1:47 p. m. Que tengan unas maravillosas vacaciones de otoño.
over 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Fall Break 10/08 - 10/16
Classroom Peek... Check out what happened at Mission Crest the week of September 26th. Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VP0ZAMaBip901zF41bAlhUTeU0AYQRns/view?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Classroom Peek 09/26/2022
In case you missed it... Pics from Mission Crest's Movie Night featuring Hocus Pocus 2. We hope to see you next time! Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wtamVXklDdKn5IJ-PSRxLUb8vurk8rZo/view?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Mission Crest Coming Events starting October 3, 2022. Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17KrcI3KGPLXUjZnIvqWAV_clUipO3qYl/view?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Coming Events 10/03/2022
Congratulations to Miranda S. from Mrs. Skiffington's Class on being the Charger of the Week for the week of October 3, 2022! Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11e7zIoHzHJGByTiRZ0_a9TZeGNMj2XeI/view?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Charger of the Week 10/3/2022
Character Trait for the month of October: Empathy Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DjxBpdc3F2tIWuDl6plTZLT4sgffmwHq/view?usp=sharing
over 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Empathy  10/03/2022
HUSD Family Resource Calendar for October
over 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Oct Family Resource Center Calendar
Mission Crest Elementary Movie Night hosted by MCEPC was a wonderful event. Thank you to all of you that attended!
over 2 years ago, Mission Crest
MCEPC Movie Night 9/30/2022
Movie Night
Movie Night
Movie Night