The 2023 Daily Press Best in the Desert 2023 Community Choice Awards are accepting votes from now until 9/22/23. Several HUSD schools and the district itself are finalists again. If you would like to vote please go to Please note that this event is not organized or run by the Hesperia Unified School District.
over 1 year ago, Hesperia Unified
best of desert graphic
Mission Crest Elementary School's Parent Center presents Fast Facts on Substance Abuse Prevention on Tuesday, October 3rd starting at 10:00 AM in the Parent Center. If you are available, you will not want to miss this presentation! See the flyer for more information. El Centro para Padres de la Escuela Primaria Mission Crest presenta datos básicos sobre la prevención del abuso de sustancias el martes 3 de octubre a partir de las 10:00 a. m. en el Centro para padres. Si estás disponible, ¡no querrás perderte esta presentación! Consulte el folleto para obtener más información.
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Fast Facts 10/3
Congratulations to Aiven R. from Mrs. Clements Class on being the Charger of the Week for the week of September 18, 2023. Charger of the Week Video:
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Charger of the Week - Aiven R.
Mission Crest is hosting Fast Facts On Substance Abuse Prevention on Tuesday, October 3rd starting at 10:00AM in the Parent Center. See the flyer for more information. Mission Crest presentará Datos breves sobre la prevención del abuso de sustancias el martes 3 de octubre a partir de las 10:00 a. m. en el Centro para padres. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información.
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Fast Facts on Substance Abuse
Today, Mission Crest had a schoolwide rally on the character trait of the month, Responsibility. During the month of September, Mission Crest will focus on learning about how to be responsible and we will be rewarding students for showing that they are responsible. Hoy Mission Crest tuvo una manifestación en toda la escuela sobre el rasgo de carácter del mes: Responsabilidad. Durante el mes de septiembre, Mission Crest se concentrará en aprender cómo ser responsable y recompensaremos a los estudiantes que demuestren que son responsables.
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Mission Crest Families, You are invited to MCEPC sponsored Family Movie Night featuring Ratatouille on Friday, September 22nd starting a 5:30. See you there! Familias de Mission Crest, están invitadas a la Noche de Película Familiar patrocinada por MCEPC con Ratatouille el viernes 22 de septiembre a partir de las 5:30. ¡Te veo allí!
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Movie Night 9/22
The San Bernardino County Public Health Department will be hosting a vaccination event at the district office on September 15, 2023. Click the link for more information:
over 1 year ago, Hesperia Unified
clinic flyer English
clinic flyer Spanish
Mission Crest is hosting a "Parent Tool Box" class. It is for all parents interested in knowing more about how you can best support your children! The class is September 28th from 10:00 - 11:30 in the parent center. For more information, please see the flyer. Mission Crest está organizando una clase "Caja de herramientas para padres". ¡Es para todos los padres interesados ​​en saber más sobre cómo pueden apoyar mejor a sus hijos! La clase es el 28 de septiembre de 10:00 a 11:30 en el centro de padres. Para obtener más información, consulte el folleto.
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Parent Tool Box Class
Patriot Day Announcement at Mission Crest honoring the lives lost as well as the brave first responders of 9/11. Video Link:
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
9/11 Patriots Day
Congratulations to Sofia G. from Mrs. Stidham's class on being the Charger of the Week for the week of September 8, 2023. Check out this video:
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Sofia G. Charger of the Week
The San Bernardino County Public Health Department will be hosting a vaccination event at the district office on September 15, 2023. Click the link for more information:
over 1 year ago, Hesperia Unified
clinic flyer English
clinic flyer Spanish
The 2023 Daily Press Best in the Desert 2023 Community Choice Awards are accepting votes from now until 9/22/23. Several HUSD schools and the district itself are finalists again. If you would like to vote please go to Please note that this event is not organized or run by the Hesperia Unified School District.
over 1 year ago, Hesperia Unified
best of desert graphic
Mission Crest supports National Attendance Awareness Month/Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre la Asistencia Building strong, trusting relationships that promote a feeling of belonging is fundamental to improving student attendance & engagement. Let’s help students build a habit of good attendance early & often #SchoolEveryDay Construir relaciones sólidas y de confianza que promuevan un sentimiento de pertenencia es fundamental para mejorar la asistencia y la participación de los estudiantes. Ayudemos a los estudiantes a desarrollar el hábito de una buena asistencia temprana y frecuente #EscuelaCadaDía
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Attendance Awareness Month
Congratulations to Cameron from Mr. Lindsay's Class on being the Charger of the Week for the week of September 5, 2023. Link to Video:
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Cameron, Charger of the Week
Mission Crest Fall Picture Day is Friday, September 8, 2023. Please see the flyer for more information.
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Picture Day 2023
Reminder... you are invited to Mission Crest's ELAC Meeting on Wednesday, September 13th at 10:30 AM in the Parent Center. I hope to see you there. Está invitado a la reunión de ELAC de Mission Crest el miércoles 13 de septiembre a las 10:30 a. m. en el Centro de padres. Espero verte allí.
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
ELAC Mtg Sept 13th
No School Labor Day Monday, September 4th Enjoy your three day weekend!
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
No School - Happy Labor Day
Reminder.... You are invited to Mission Crest's Back to School Night on Thurs. Aug 31st starting at 5:00PM with a 2nd session starting at 5:35PM in your child's classroom. Please bring your child(ren) as they are a part of the event. For more information, see the flyer on the Mission Crest Website or Facebook page. Está invitado a la Noche de Regreso a Clases de Mission Crest el 31 de agosto a partir de las 5:00 p. m. con una segunda sesión que comenzará a las 5:35 en el salón de clases de su hijo. Por favor traiga a su(s) hijo(s) ya que son parte del evento. Para obtener más información, consulte el folleto en el sitio web de Mission Crest o en la página de Facebook.
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Eng BTSN 2023 24
Span BTSN 2023 24
The San Bernardino County Public Health Department will be hosting a vaccination event at the district office on August 30, 2023. Click the link for more information:
over 1 year ago, Hesperia Unified
CDPH Immunization Clinic Flyer (English)
CDPH Immunization Clinic Flyer (Spanish)
Announcing the 1st annual 2023-24 HUSD esports season. A season that will include both elementary and secondary schools. If you are interested in participating speak to your school's front office. For more info please visit:
over 1 year ago, Hesperia Unified
Graphic with Tracer, Mario, and the Rocket League Logo that says "HUSD 2023-24 esports season"