Just a friendly reminder, tonight starting at 3:00 the Santa Shop is open to families. It will be followed by our Movie Night featuring, The Elf, starting at 5:00. There will be a special visit from Santa and the Jolley Parade! I hope to see you there.

HUSD is committed to ensuring excellence and achievement for all our students. To ensure our students have a safe learning environment, our schools require health, safety and accessibility improvements.
Community input is invaluable as we consider various options for funding. Make your voice heard and join us at Mission Crest’s Town Hall on December 18, 2018 at 6pm. https://www.facebook.com/events/300426520579626/

Reminder, we are showing the school play, The Jungle Book, streaming live on our Mission Crest Facebook page. Join us starting at 6:00 PM

We are preparing to run in the Great Hesperian Relay! Check out our live stream on https://www.facebook.com/HesperiaUnified in about 20 minutes as we run to Cedar Middle School! #GHR2018 #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD

English Learners Advisory Committee Meeting
Comite´ Consejero Escolar de Padres de Aprendices de Ingle's
Wednesday at 10:00 am in the Parent Center

HUSD will be closed next week November 19, 2018 through November 23, 2018 for Fall Break. Classes will resume on Monday, November 26, 2018. Please have a safe and fun week!

HUSD will be closed on Monday, November 12, 2018 in observance of Veterans Day. Classes will resume on Tuesday, November 13, 2018. Please have a safe 3 day weekend!

Daylight saving time ends Sunday. Set your clock back one hour before going to bed Saturday night, November 3rd.

HUSD will be closed on September 3, 2018 in observance of Labor Day. Classes will resume on September 4, 2018. Please have a safe and fun 3 day weekend!