HUSD will be hosting its elementary Smash Brothers Tournament on 12/06/2023 starting at 4PM. The event will be held at the Hesperia Junior High Gymnasium and spectators are welcome! Spectator tickets are $2 per adult and $1 per student. So come out and enjoy some amazing gaming and support our students who are just getting into and learning about the fundamentals of game design and esport career opportunities.

Programs and services provided by the Child Care Resource Center or CCRC. See the flyers for more information!

Hello, this is Ryan Plescia, Principal of Mission Crest Elementary School. I am texting to ask for your feedback about your experience as a parent or guardian at Mission Crest. We’ve partnered with the national nonprofit, YouthTruth, to help us gather feedback about what we are doing well, and how we can improve. Between now and 12/15/23, please visit http://www.ytsurvey.org/hesperiafamily23 to take the 15 minute anonymous survey online. The survey link is available on our Facebook Page and website. Thank you for the gift of your feedback.

Congratulations to Grace from Mrs. Douglas's Class on being the Charger of the week for the week of December 27, 2023. Video Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wmv2Ar4ZpMJr3BOpeoSxHgsolzOhg-yA/view?usp=sharing

Hello Mission Crest Families. As we enter into the Winter months, it is definitely getting colder especially in the mornings. Please dress your child(ren) accordingly. Layer clothing as student will be outside for recesses and PE. Jackets, sweaters, gloves, and other clothing that can be layered are recommended. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call the front office.
Hola familias de Mission Crest. A medida que nos adentramos en los meses de invierno, definitivamente hace más frío, especialmente por las mañanas. Por favor vista a su(s) hijo(s) en consecuencia. Póngase ropa en capas ya que el estudiante estará afuera durante los recreos y educación física. Se recomiendan chaquetas, suéteres, guantes y otra ropa que se pueda usar en capas. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en llamar a la oficina principal.

Mission Crest Parent Center is offering the How Money Works financial planning class. It is free for all Mission Crest families. It is a three part series with the first class on Monday, December 4th at 11:00. See the attached flyer for more details.
Mission Crest Parent Center ofrece la clase de planificación financiera Cómo funciona el dinero. Es gratis para todas las familias de Mission Crest. Es una serie de tres partes con la primera clase el lunes 4 de diciembre a las 11:00. Consulte el folleto adjunto para obtener más detalles.

Mission Crest Annual Santa Shop starts Monday, December 11th - Friday, December 15 from 8:00AM - 1:30 in the Library with a parent night on Wednesday, December 13 from 4:00-6:00PM.
Parents: We are in need of Santa’s Helpers to assist the children in their gift selections. If you are able to volunteer your time please indicate date, time and contact phone number. For questions, please e-mail MCEPC at mceparentclub@gmail.com.
La tienda anual de Papá Noel de Mission Crest comienza del lunes 11 de diciembre al viernes 15 de diciembre de 8:00 a. m. a 1:30 p. m. en la biblioteca con una noche para padres el miércoles 13 de diciembre de 4:00 a. m. a 6:00 p. m.
Padres: Necesitamos ayudantes de Papá Noel para ayudar a los niños en la selección de regalos. Si puede ofrecer su tiempo como voluntario, indique la fecha, hora y número de teléfono de contacto. Si tiene preguntas, envíe un correo electrónico a MCEPC a mceparentclub@gmail.com.

Mission Crest is Hosting a Blood Drive on Thursday, Dec. 7th from 2:00 - 7:00PM located in our front parking lot. Please come support our local hospitals through Life Stream Blood Bank and donate blood.
Mission Crest organizará una campaña de donación de sangre el jueves 7 de diciembre de 2:00 a 7:00 p. m. ubicada en nuestro estacionamiento delantero. Venga a apoyar a nuestros hospitales locales a través de Life Stream Blood Bank y done sangre.

MCES is partnering with YouthTruth to hear what students (gr 4-6) have to say about their school experience to better understand how to improve. The survey runs 11/27-12/15. If you would like to view or have your child opt out of taking the survey, please call the front office. MCES se está asociando con YouthTruth para escuchar lo que los estudiantes (gr. 4-6) tienen que decir sobre su experiencia escolar para ayudarnos a comprender mejor cómo mejorar. La encuesta se realizará del 27/11 al 15/12. Si desea ver o que su hijo opte por no participar en la encuesta, llame a la oficina principal. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I_POZDTEcHmzsP7GLJnahQVq42wCPpIAMmnpN7PycNg/edit?usp=sharing

In observance of Thanksgiving, all HUSD schools and offices will be closed the week of November 20th-24th. Schools and offices will re-open on Monday, November 27th.

MCEPC sponsored Dine to Donate Fundraiser at Pieology in Hesperia on Friday, December 1 from 9:30AM - 11:30PM. See the pictured flyer for more details.
MCEPC patrocinó la recaudación de fondos Dine to Donate en Pieology en Hesperia el viernes 1 de diciembre de 9:30 a. m. a 11:30 p. m. Consulte el folleto en la foto para obtener más detalles.

Hello MC Parents, reminder that today is Mission Crest's ELAC Committee meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 15th in the Library. The guest speaker is HUSD's very own Superintendent, Mr.Dave Olney. He will speaking about "The State of HUSD and Moving Forward." I hope to see you there. Está invitado a la reunión del Comité ELAC de Mission Crest el miércoles 15 de noviembre en la biblioteca. El orador invitado es el propio Superintendente de HUSD, el Sr. Dave Olney. Hablará sobre "El estado de HUSD y el futuro". Espero verte allí.

Mission Crest TK and 6th grade Reading Buddies celebrating the holidays with Friendship Soup.

Mission Crest's Chargers for Change Kindness Club worked hard and had fun spreading kindness in support of World Kindness Day!

Congratulations to Mark M. from Mrs. Farr's Class on being the Charger of the Week for the week of November 13th. Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LGcrDp_Co95Jq1HfQLwp4lQowCyTGu5z/view?usp=sharing

Hello Mission Crest Families. The Family Resource Center will continue offering the Homework Assistance Tutoring for EL students from 3pm-4pm. In addition, we have a new staff volunteer who will be offering the same tutoring services from 4pm-5pm, along with reading assistance on selected days. Please see the attached flyers.

In honor of Veteran's Day, HUSD schools and offices will be closed Friday, November 10th. Schools and offices will re-open on Monday, November 13th.
Thank you to all of our veterans for your service and courage.

Mission Crest's Kindergarten classes had fun participating in the Then and Now end of the unit activity. A special thank you to the parents that volunteered and to the teachers for all of their hard work setting up this fun learning activity.
Las clases de Kindergarten de Mission Crest se divirtieron participando en la actividad final de la unidad de Antes y Ahora. Un agradecimiento especial a los padres que se ofrecieron como voluntarios y a los maestros por todo su arduo trabajo en la creación de esta divertida actividad de aprendizaje.

Mission Crest Student Council Turkey Gram fundraiser. All proceeds will go to support a local charity for the holiday season. The grams are $1 and being sold at lunch through Monday, November 13.
Recaudación de fondos del Gram de Turquía del Consejo Estudiantil de Mission Crest. Todos los ingresos se destinarán a una organización benéfica local durante la temporada navideña. Los gramos cuestan $1 y se venderán durante el almuerzo hasta el lunes 13 de noviembre.

Dine to Donate Fundraiser on Wednesday, November 15th from 3PM - 9PM at the Texas Roadhouse in Hesperia. See the pictured flyer for more details.
Cena para recaudar fondos para donar el 15 de noviembre de 3:00 p. m. a 9:00 p. m. en Texas Roadhouse en Hesperia. Consulte el folleto en la foto para obtener más detalles.