Reminder, No School Friday, November 10th in honor of Veterans Day! Recordatorio: ¡No habrá clases el viernes 10 de noviembre en honor al Día de los Veteranos!
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Veterans Day - No School 11/10
Congratulations to Olivia S. in Ms. Gonzalez's Class on being the Charger of the Week for the week of November 6th, 2023. Check out this video of her leading the school in the flag salute -
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Charger of the Week, Olivia
Continued - Bus stop #15 has a change in drop off. The bus stop at Palo Verde and Nolina has been moved to Sultana and Palo Verde. This change will be in effect until the construction is completed. We apologize as we do not have a completion date at this time. If you have any questions, please contact transportation. Continuación: La parada de autobús número 15 tiene un cambio en la bajada. La parada de autobús en Palo Verde y Nolina se trasladó a Sultana y Palo Verde. Este cambio estará vigente hasta que se complete la construcción. Nos disculpamos porque no tenemos una fecha de finalización en este momento. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con el departamento de transportación.
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Mission Crest's Counseling Connections for the month of November. Please take a look at what your students will be participating in and learning about!
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Counseling Connection November
Today was Mission Crest's Monthly Character trait kick off rally. This month's character trait students will be learning about and earning prizes for demonstrating is Cooperation. Students had a great time learning about cooperation!
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Collaboration 6
Collaboration 5
Collaboration 4
Collaboration 3
Collaboration 2
Collaboration 1
Week 3 of the 8 week UCCE Nutrition Workshops for parents at Mission Crest. This last week focussed on fitness. Workshop classes are held on Tuesdays starting at 10:30am. If you have any questions or would like to participate, please contact Tisha Taylor in the Mission Crest Parent Center. Semana 3 de los talleres de nutrición de UCCE de 8 semanas para padres en Mission Crest. Esta última semana se centró en el fitness. Las clases taller se imparten los martes a partir de las 10:30 h. Si tiene alguna pregunta o le gustaría participar, comuníquese con Tisha Taylor en el Centro de padres de Mission Crest.
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Week 4c
Week 3b
Week 3a
You are invited to Mission Crest's ELAC Committee meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 15th in the Library. The guest speaker is HUSD's very own Superintendent, Mr.Dave Olney. He will speaking about "The State of HUSD and Moving Forward." I hope to see you there. Está invitado a la reunión del Comité ELAC de Mission Crest el miércoles 15 de noviembre en la biblioteca. El orador invitado es el propio Superintendente de HUSD, el Sr. Dave Olney. Hablará sobre "El estado de HUSD y el futuro". Espero verte allí.
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
ELAC 11/15/23
Congratulations to Jordan Z. in Ms. Hernandez's class on being the Charger of the Week for the week of October 30th. Link to video:
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Jordan Charger of the Week
Hello Mission Crest Families, just a friendly reminder that students are not permitted to wear Halloween costumes at school. It is not an approved holiday and there will not be any classroom parties. Please be safe the evening of halloween. See the attached flyer for safety tips. Also, November 1st is a regular early out Wednesday school day. Hola familias de Mission Crest, solo un recordatorio amistoso de que a los estudiantes no se les permite usar disfraces de Halloween en la escuela. No es un día festivo aprobado y no habrá fiestas en el salón de clases. Por favor, manténgase con cuidado la noche de Halloween. Consulte el folleto adjunto para obtener consejos de seguridad. Además, el miércoles 1 de noviembre es un día escolar regular de salida temprano.
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Halloween Safety
Mission Crest's Fall Festival was spooktacular. Mission Crest Families, we thank you for your support in joining us in the fun. A special thank you goes out to MCEPC for organizing the event and to the Oak Hills High School students , Cedar Middle School school, MC Student Council, and the Mission Crest staff for your work at the event.
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Fall Festival 9
Fall Festival 8
Fall Festival 7
Fall Festival 6
Fall Festival 5
Fall Festival 4
Fall Festival 3
Fall Festival 2
Fall Festival 1
Hesperia Unified School District's Community Outreach and Support. If you are in need and would like more information please check out the attached flyers. Also, the HUSD's Family Resource Center is available to help. Link: Alcance y apoyo comunitario del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Hesperia. Si lo necesita y desea obtener más información, consulte los folletos adjuntos. Además, el Centro de Recursos Familiares del HUSD está disponible para ayudar. Enlace:
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Clothes Closet
Food Pantry
Groceries and Hot Meal
Mission Crest Make Up Picture Day is Friday, November 3, 2023. Please see the pictured flyer for more information. El día de la fotografía de maquillaje de Mission Crest es el viernes 3 de noviembre de 2023. Consulte el folleto que aparece en la foto para obtener más información.
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Make up Pictures
Day 2 of Red Ribbon Spirit Week, Mission Crest students, "Paired up to Fight Drugs!"
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Twins 8
Twins 7
Twins 6
Twins 5
Twins 4
Twins 3
Twins 2
Twins 1
On Monday, Mission Crest students had fun "Turning Their Back on Drugs" and showing their spirit during Backwards and Inside Out Day.
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Backwards 5
Backwards 4
Backwards 3
Backwards 2
Backwards 1
Mission Crest's annual Fall Festival is Friday, October 27th from 4:30 - 7:30. See the flyer for more details. We hope to see you there! El Festival de Otoño anual de Mission Crest es el viernes 27 de octubre de 4:30 a 7:30. Consulte el folleto para obtener más detalles. ¡Esperamos verte ahí!
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Fall Festival
Congratulations to Amina R. from Mrs. Schubert's Class on being the Charger of the Week for the week of October 23, 2023. Video Link:
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Charger of the Week, Amina R.
HUSD SPED Talks on November 1, 2023 from 10:30 - 12:00 in the Annex Building. See flyer for more details.
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
SPED Talks
Pictured and listed below are Mission Crest Spirit Award Winners for the month of September: Primary Grades: 1st - Barber 2nd - Watts 3rd - Ortiz Upper Grades: Tied for 1st - Skiffington and Peckinpaugh 2nd - Mestas 3rd - N. Gonzalez
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Spirit Award
Spirit Award
Spirit Award
Spirit Award
Spirit Award
Spirit Award
Spirit Award
Mission Crest proudly participates in Red Ribbon Week, Monday October 23rd through Friday, October 27th. During this week, you can show your spirit as well as commitment to being drug free by participating in the daily dress up days. See the pictured flyer for more details. Mission Crest participa con orgullo en la Semana del Listón Rojo, del lunes 23 de octubre al viernes 27 de octubre. Durante esta semana, puedes mostrar tu espíritu y compromiso de estar libre de drogas participando en los días de disfraces diarios. Consulte el folleto en la foto para obtener más detalles.
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest
Red Ribbon Week
A special thank you to the families that attended the Cookies with the Counselor event held on 10/18 in Mission Crest's Parent Center. It was a wonderful turnout. Mission Crest's School Counselor, Ms. Darby, enjoyed meeting with the families and answering questions. The next Cookies with the Counselor is being held on December 20th. I hope to see you there!
over 1 year ago, Mission Crest