Join us at our next African American Parent Advisory Committee (AAPAC) meeting on May 9th from 4:30-6:30 pm either in-person or via live stream for presentations on "African American Student Well-being & Mental Health Awareness." All are welcome to attend! We hope to see you there! For more information and to watch live, you can go to www.hesperiausd.org/page/aapac

Charger Chat Podcast #15 with Alyvia, Eddie, Jojo and Mrs. Stidham. This week's topic is Mission Crest Basketball with special guest: Makayla, Zach, Journee and Dominic

Check out what happened around Mission Crest the week of April 17, 2023 in this week's Classroom Peek video. Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dEGeFJ5o5BxoeFgtnjBzsOtwqMBX96Bu/view?usp=sharing

Mission Crest Boys/Coed and Girls Basketball teams update. Check out this video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BGf0UkNXhlbshHA8d6AucJRcs3S-k36S/view?usp=sharing

Congratulations to Ziya H. from Mrs. Muzquiz Class and Kennedy R. from Mrs. Escarzaga's Class on being the Charger of the Week for the week of 4/24/2023. Check out this video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hmwtdykU8d_06Wl3axb7z3zkz_x4y2Ze/view?usp=sharing

Mission Crest Families, You are invited to Cocoa and Coffee with the Counselor, Ms. Gia Darby on Wednesday, April 26th at 10:30 in the Parent Center. See the picture for more information.
Familias de Mission Crest, están invitados a Cocoa and Coffee con la consejera, la Sra. Gia Darby, el miércoles 26 de abril a las 10:30 en el Centro de Padres. Ver la imagen para más información.

The Mission Crest Elementary Parent Club (MCEPC) is looking for parents to hold executive positions on the MCEPC Board. Positions available are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and Sergeant in Arms. If you would like to participate or be considered for a position, please fill out this form.
Link: https://forms.gle/4w1SEyJihnMu8WdTA
El Club de Padres de la Primaria Mission Crest (MCEPC) está buscando padres para ocupar puestos ejecutivos en la Junta de MCEPC. Los puestos disponibles son presidente, vicepresidente, secretario, tesorero, historiador y sargento de armas. Si desea participar o ser considerado para un puesto, complete este formulario.

If you haven't already filled out the survey, Mission Crest would like your input! Please complete the Mission Crest School Survey. The results directly help us plan for this upcoming year. We appreciate your input! Link Eng: https://forms.gle/cCFBvX25M1SYPy8Q9
¡Mission Crest quisiera su opinión! Complete la encuesta de la escuela Mission Crest. Los resultados nos ayudan directamente a planificar para este próximo año. ¡Agradecemos su aporte! Link Span: https://forms.gle/CHWZnxEDMtcCFZ6s9

Mission Crest would like your input! Please complete the Mission Crest School Survey. The results directly help us plan for this upcoming year. We appreciate your input! Link Eng: https://forms.gle/cCFBvX25M1SYPy8Q9
¡Mission Crest quisiera su opinión! Complete la encuesta de la escuela Mission Crest. Los resultados nos ayudan directamente a planificar para este próximo año. ¡Agradecemos su aporte! Link Span: https://forms.gle/CHWZnxEDMtcCFZ6s9

Charger Chat with Willow, Eddie, Jojo, and Mrs. Stidham. The topic of this chat is state testing. Please check out this podcast as it discusses test anxiety and test taking strategies.
Link: https://live.myvrspot.com/iframe?v=fNWRmMjE4MjExNTlmODU2Yjk4OGMzODg4M2Q2ODhjMWU

Mission Crest Parents, you are welcome to request a teacher for your child for the 2023-2024 school year. Please note that your request may not result in your child being placed with the teacher requested. This form, specifically the *explanation section will be reviewed during placement meetings held in May. Your input is valuable and your request will be taken into consideration as part of the placement process. Requests must take place prior to Tuesday, May 2nd at 3:00 pm. Completion of this form does not guarantee your child’s placement with the requested teacher.
Padres de Mission Crest, pueden solicitar un maestro para su hijo para el año escolar 2023-2024. Tenga en cuenta que es posible que su solicitud no resulte en que su hijo/a sea colocado con el maestro/a solicitado. Este formulario, específicamente la sección de *explicación, se revisará durante las reuniones de colocación. Su opinión es valiosa y su solicitud se tendrá en cuenta como parte del proceso de colocación. Las solicitudes deben realizarse antes del martes 2 de mayo a las 3:00 pm. Completar este formulario no garantiza la ubicación de su hijo/a con el maestro/a solicitado.
Link to Request Form: https://forms.gle/4YbAH1XwQpJ22Vem6

Mission Crest Parent Center... You are invited!

Mission Crest 3rd Quarter Chargers Ignite Celebration. Congratulation to the students at Mission Crest meeting their BOLT goals!
Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S5tjFKc4ePzikeUXgms8QrNI-NqBrL28/view?usp=sharing

MCEPC Invites you to get your "Glow On" at our Under the Sea Glow Dance Party on Friday, April 14 from 5-7.
MCEPC lo invita a obtener su "Glow On" en nuestra fiesta de baile Under the Sea Glow el viernes 14 de abril de 5 a 7.
See the flyers for more details.

Mission Crest Parent Center... You are invited!

Learn English with Rosetta Stone. Available in the Mission Crest Parent Center. Please see the flyer for more information.
Aprende inglés con Rosetta Stone. Disponible en el Centro de Padres de Mission Crest. Consulte el folleto para obtener más información.

Check out what is happening around Mission Crest with the Classroom Peek for the week of March 20th.
Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mhr5QTuCMTmEa5MZB6lZbpKnly6C3MXN/view?usp=sharing

Mission Crest's Coming Events for the week of April 3rd, 2023. Its College and Career Week! Also, we are introducing the Lucky Duck Challenge and much more!
Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jFJGK7kMhU3O1kAuS1gHYyOxL_7HgG3m/view?usp=sharing

Mission Crest's Charger Chat Podcast with Alyvia, Katie, Willow and Mrs. Stidham. Check out this podcast on College and Career.
Link to Podcast: https://live.myvrspot.com/iframe?v=fYzcxMTkzMGJhMzQwODk0NGMxMjE0MzQyZWI2OWNiNWQ

Congratulations to Iman K. from Mrs. Barber's 1st Grade Class on being the Charger of the Week for the week of April 3rd.
Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Yqi5b5VHFGE9WfaqxO9r9SffDaT76hag/view?usp=sharing