Take a peek at what is happening around Mission Crest. Check out this video showing events from the week of 3/13. Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gYimaX_1P45q57gSndVPYHI2sls_n0SU/view?usp=sharing
almost 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Classroom Peek 3/13
Coming Events at Mission Crest. Check out this video showing events happening in the next few weeks. Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-Zg21deNQQrJRjQ6VsuFEk9UjGwtBfIP/view?usp=sharing
almost 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Coming Events 3/20
Hello Mission Crest Families, just a friendly reminder that today, Friday, March 24th is NOT a minimum day for elementary schools. Mission Crest's dismissal time is 1:47. Also next week, March 27 - 31st is Spring Break. Have a wonderful week! Hola familias de Mission Crest, solo un recordatorio amistoso de que hoy viernes 24 de marzo NO es un día mínimo para las escuelas primarias. El tiempo de salida de Mission Crest es 1:47. También la próxima semana, del 27 al 31 de marzo, son las vacaciones de primavera. ¡Ten una maravillosa semana!
almost 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Spring Break 3/27-3/31
Charger Chat Podcast with Mason, Eddie, and Jojo from Mrs. Stidham's 3rd grade class. This episode has a special guest, Vincent. The topic of the discussion is Vincent's Mission Crest News Twilight series. If you haven't seen it, it is a must see and it plays at the end of the Mission Crest News. LInk to Charger Chat: https://live.myvrspot.com/iframe?v=fY2Q5YTlkNWM2MjI5ZTJhNzFjNDk2ZDQ2YWFhYWFhZjE
almost 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Charger Chat 12
Congratulations to Julian Tores from Mrs. Ortiz on being this week's Charger of the Week! Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G_Zj3-HNWadVFzwr7uvMiKm3AtShErEc/view?usp=sharing
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Charger of the Week 3/13
Mission Crest Classroom Peek for the week of March 6th. Check out this short video showing some of the fun activities happening around Mission Crest. Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wRGirTEh267_eyEgytUNaNwiQySDNkN8/view?usp=sharing
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Classroom Peek
Check out this video showing the most recent ESports and Vex Robotics events! Congratulations on Mission Crest's Vex Robotics Teams making it to the State Competition! Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ENQhOTqdxhoFTl0Y4wprElk4jG2Fz9Ka/view?usp=sharing
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Mission Crest Charger Chat Podcast episode 10 with Mason, Eddie, and Jojo in Mrs. Stidham's 3rd grade class. The topic of the conversation is compromise which is Mission Crest's Character Trait of the Month. Link: https://live.myvrspot.com/iframe?v=fNzRkZGU1MjI3NmFhNWUyNmE1OGM4YmI3ZGE4NjYzOTA
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Charger Chat Episode 10
Charger Chat Podcast with Alyvia, Eddie, and Jojo from Mrs. Stidham's 3rd Grade Class. The topic of the chat is Read Across America. Check out the link below to listen. Link: https://live.myvrspot.com/iframe?v=fZWE5MDRlMDNmNWFkMmQxMWRjOWU3Y2I2MzhmMWViMGE
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Charger Chat 9
Mission Crest Charger Chat Podcast Episode #7 from Mrs. Stidham's Class with Mason, Eddie, Jojo, and Mrs. Stidham. The topic for discussion is the Character Trait of the Month, Confidence. Check out what these students have to say about confidence. LInk: https://live.myvrspot.com/iframe?v=fYjAxOTgyMDI1ZmUzOWY2ZDI3ZDU2ZDAwNzU4NmVjZmU
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Charger Chat 7
Mission Crest Charger Chat Episode 11 with Alyvia, Jojo, and Eddie in Mrs. Stidham's 3rd grade class. The topic of the conversation is a book from Mission Crest's Book Fair, The Greatest in the World! Link: https://live.myvrspot.com/iframe?v=fNjk0NGRhZGMyYTM5YmQxZDRiNTk1M2RlNjgyNGQyOTc
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Charger Chat 11
Join us at our next AAPAC meeting on March 16th from 4-6pm either in-person or via live stream for presentations on "Striving for Black Excellence in Academics." Topics will include: What it means to be a college and career-ready graduate, A-G opportunities, AVID, Dual Enrollment & Early College Academy, CTE, and much more! All are welcome to attend! We hope to see you there! For more info: https://5il.co/1qmky
about 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified
AAPAC Meeting Flyer
Open enrollment is currently going on and will end on March 24. For more information please visit: https://www.hesperiausd.org/page/open-enrollment
about 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified
You are invited to Mission Crest's English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC) on Wednesday, March 15, in the Parent Center. Please see the flyer pictured for more details. Usted está invitado al Comité Asesor de Aprendices de Inglés (ELAC) de Mission Crest el miércoles 15 de marzo en el Centro de Padres. Consulte el volante que se muestra en la imagen para obtener más detalles.
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
ELAC Mtg 3/15
Hello Mission Crest Families, MCEPC's BINGO Family Fun Night is Friday from 4:30 - 6:30 in the MPR. Tickets are on sale now! See our social media posts for more info. I hope to see you there. Hola familias de Mission Crest: La noche de diversión familiar BINGO de MCEPC es el viernes de 4:30 a 6:30 en el MPR. ¡Las entradas ya están a la venta! Consulte nuestras publicaciones en las redes sociales para obtener más información. Espero verte allí.
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Bingo Night
Mission Crest Elementary Spring Book Fair held in the Library Monday, March 13th through Friday, March 17th See the flyers for more information.
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Book Fair Eng
Book Fair Span
We're hiring! Stop by and check out our job/teacher fair on March 7th and 9th from 4PM-7PM.
about 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified
We're Hiring flyer
We are aware of the snow in Hesperia and the surrounding areas. Students are safely in class, all schools are currently open and will continue under their normal bell schedules; however, we are working to help keep students indoors as much as possible. The weather service predictions are that the snow will clear at midday. We will continue to monitor the situation and road conditions and respond accordingly. If any changes are made we will communicate those changes to the community. In the absence of any further announcements, schools will remain open and dismiss at their normal times. We ask parents to plan for extra time when picking students up and to be as patient as possible as we all deal with the winter weather.
about 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified
We are aware of the snow in Hesperia and the surrounding areas. Students are safely in class, all schools are currently open and will continue under their normal bell schedules; however, we are working to help keep students indoors as much as possible. The weather service predictions are that the snow will clear at midday. We will continue to monitor the situation and road conditions and respond accordingly. If any changes are made we will communicate those changes to the community. In the absence of any further announcements, schools will remain open and dismiss at their normal times. We ask parents to plan for extra time when picking students up and to be as patient as possible as we all deal with the winter weather.
Reminder... Mission Crest Spring Pictures are Tuesday, February 28th. Please do not wear green. See pictured flyer for more details.
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Spring Pictures
Read Across America Day and Spirit Week. Mission Crest will be celebrating Read Across America on Thursday, March 2nd. Please see the attached flyer for spirit day details.
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
RAA Spirit Week 2023