All HUSD school sites will be open today Friday, February 24, 2023.
about 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified
Hello Mission Crest Families, on Friday, February 24th, Mission Crest will be hosting Hesperia Unified School Police’s monthly meeting on campus. This means, that we will have an increase in police presence in our parking lots and on campus. Please do not be alarmed and have a great day. Hola familias de Mission Crest, el viernes 24 de febrero, Mission Crest será el anfitrión de la reunión mensual de la Policía Escolar Unificada de Hesperia en el campus. Esto significa que tendremos un aumento de la presencia policial en nuestros estacionamientos y en el campus. Por favor, no se alarme y que tenga un gran día.
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
School Police
Due to the current weather conditions and the incoming storm, we are going to reschedule the African American Parent Advisory Committee (AAPAC) meeting on February 23rd to March 16th at 4:30 pm here at the District Office and via live stream. We have an amazing group of presenters scheduled to attend and provide information and resources around helping students become college and career-ready graduates. We can't wait to see you on March 16th!
about 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified
We're hiring! Stop by and check out our job/teacher fair on March 7th and 9th from 4PM-7PM.
about 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified
We're Hiring flyer
Mission Crest BINGO Night, March 10th from 4:30 - 6:30. Please see the flyer for more information.
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Bingo Night 3/10/23
We're hiring! Stop by and check out our job/teacher fair on March 7th and 9th from 4 PM - 7 PM.
about 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified
We're hiring flyer
Open enrollment will be held this year from February 17 through March 24. For more information please visit:
about 2 years ago, Hesperia Unified
¡Hola familias de MC! Gracias por su paciencia hoy durante la llegada y por usar de manera segura las áreas de entrega designadas. Un par de consejos útiles: 1. Cuando esté en la(s) línea(s) de bajada, puede bajar en cualquier punto a lo largo de la acera. Si elige esperar para dejar a su hijo directamente frente a la puerta abierta, tomará mucho más tiempo. 2. No estacione en doble fila. 3. Hay estacionamiento disponible a lo largo de Independence Ave., Muscatel St., en el área de estacionamiento central y en el segundo grupo de espacios de estacionamiento en el estacionamiento Este. 4. Camine con los estudiantes a través de cualquier área de estacionamiento/desembarque. Muchas Gracias
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Safe Schools
Hello MC Families! Thank you for your patience today during arrival and for safely using designated drop off areas. A couple of helpful tips: 1. When in a drop off line, you can drop off at any point along the sidewalk. If you choose to wait to drop off your child directly in front of the open gate, it will take much longer. 2. Do not double park. 3. Parking is available along Independence Ave., Muscatel St., in the center parking area, and in the 2nd set of parking spaces in the East parking lot. 4. Walk students through any parking /drop off areas. The parking area in front of the Kinder playground will re-open at 7:30. Thank you.
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Safety Notice
Happy Valentine's Day from your Mission Crest Family!
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Happy Valentine's Day
Hello Mission Crest families! We have received multiple phone calls regarding unsafe behavior of drivers in the parking lot located in front of the Kindergarten playground during arrival time (7:15 – 7:30 AM). To be clear, this is not a designated or monitored drop off area. Further, students are not permitted to enter the school through the front office. The designated drop off areas are in front of the basketball courts along Muscatel St. and the pull through area along Independence St. If you are going to park, please make sure to walk your child across any street, through any parking areas, and through any drop off areas. To address this issue, starting Tuesday, February 14, the parking area in front of the Kindergarten playground will be closed from 7:15 – 7:30 AM. Once the tardy bell rings and both the Independence and Muscatel arrival drop off areas are closed (7:30 AM), we will re-open this parking lot. ¡Hola familias de Mission Crest! Hemos recibido múltiples quejas sobre el comportamiento inseguro de los conductores en el estacionamiento ubicado frente al patio de recreo de Kindergarten durante el horario de llegada (7:15 a 7:30 a. m.). Para ser claros, esta no es un área de entrega supervisada. Además, a los estudiantes no se les permite entrar a la escuela a través de la oficina principal. Las áreas designadas para dejar están frente a las canchas de baloncesto a lo largo de Muscatel St. y el área de acceso a lo largo de Independence St. Si va a estacionarse, asegúrese de cruzar con su hijo cualquier calle, a través de cualquier área de estacionamiento y a través de cualquier áreas de entrega. Para abordar este problema, a partir del martes 14 de febrero, el área de estacionamiento frente al patio de juegos de Kindergarten estará cerrada de 7:15 a 7:30 a. m. Una vez que suene la campana de tardanza y las áreas de llegada de Independence y Muscatel estén cerradas a las 7:30 a. m., volveremos a abrir esta área de estacionamiento.
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
School Safety
No School, Monday, February 20, 2023 in honor of Presidents' Day!
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Presidents' Day
No School, Monday, February 13, 2023 in Honor of Abraham Lincoln's Birthday.
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Lincoln's Birthday - No School
Check out what happened around Mission Crest in this addition of "Classroom Peek" from the week of January 17th. Link to Video:
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Classroom Peek 1/23/23
Mission Crest's STEAM Family Night was so much fun. Thank you to the Mission Crest Staff and MCEPC for all of your hard work in making it such a wonderful event.
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
MC STEAM Family Night
Mission Crest "Coming Events!" Check out this week's video:
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Coming Events 1/23/23
Congratulation to Mission Crest's Charger of the Week, Anye'La N. from Mrs. Portanova's Class for the Week of January 23, 2023. Check this video:
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Charger of  the Week 1/23/2023
Mission Crest Character Trait for the Month of January is Confidence. Check out this video showing Confidence! Link to Video:
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
Character Trait January
Reminder, you are invited to Mission Crest's STEAM Family Night on Thursday, January 26th from 5:00-6:30 PM. See flyers on social media for more information. It promises to be a fun event for all! Recoratorio, está invitado a la Noche familiar STEAM de Mission Crest el jueves 26 de enero de 5:00 a 6:30 p. m. Consulte los folletos en las redes sociales para obtener más información. ¡Promete ser un evento divertido para todos!
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
STEAM Night Eng
STEAM Night Span
You are invited to Mission Crest's STEAM Family Night on Thursday, January 26th from 5:00-6:30 PM. See flyers on social media for more information. It promises to be a fun event for all! Está invitado a la Noche familiar STEAM de Mission Crest el jueves 26 de enero de 5:00 a 6:30 p. m. Consulte los folletos en las redes sociales para obtener más información. ¡Promete ser un evento divertido para todos!
about 2 years ago, Mission Crest
STEAM Night Eng
STEAM Night Span