Mission Crest Elementary Family Fun BINGO Night! Friday, April 8th from 4-6 pm in the Mission Crest MPR. See attached flyer for more details.
almost 3 years ago, Mission Crest
BINGO Night 4/8/22
Mission Crest Morning Announcements for the week of April 4, 2022. Congratulations Nichole from Mr. Lett's class on being this week's Charger of the Week! Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D4NdJtB_P4-hVgBKyxvVHABTelSjzaJv/view?usp=sharing
almost 3 years ago, Mission Crest
MC News 4/4/2022
Hello Mission Crest Families, if you are interested in requesting a teacher for the 2022 - 2023 school year, please complete the linked form below. Remember that your request may not result in your child being placed with the teacher requested. This form, specifically the *explanation section will be reviewed by the teachers and administration during student placement meetings. Your input is valuable and your request will be taken into consideration as part of the placement process. Requests must take place prior to Monday, May 2nd at 3:00 pm. Again, completion of this form does not guarantee your child’s placement with the requested teacher. Hola familias de Mission Crest, si está interesado en solicitar un maestro para el año escolar 2022 - 2023, complete el formulario vinculado a continuación. Recuerde que es posible que su solicitud no resulte en que su hijo sea colocado con el maestro solicitado. Este formulario, específicamente la sección de *explicación, será revisado por los maestros y la administración durante las reuniones de colocación de estudiantes. Su opinión es valiosa y su solicitud se tendrá en cuenta como parte del proceso de colocación. Las solicitudes deben realizarse antes del lunes 2 de mayo a las 3:00 pm. Nuevamente, completar este formulario no garantiza la ubicación de su hijo con el maestro solicitado. Link to Teacher Request Form: https://forms.gle/BNBsjoxjDbmP4kBUA
almost 3 years ago, Mission Crest
2022 - 2023 Teacher Requests
Woo hoo! There is still time to purchase a yearbook dedication for your 6th grader! Please submit the following form to the front office no later than Friday, April 1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1skPPIiW1P3ZNw1eJifMkqcTeMjErpSdr/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=105547793557847105234&rtpof=true&sd=true
almost 3 years ago, Mission Crest Elementary
Yearbook image
Mission Crest Elementary Family Fun BINGO Night! Friday, April 8th from 4-6 pm in the Mission Crest MPR. See attached flyer for more details.
almost 3 years ago, Mission Crest
BINGO Night 4/8/22
Mission Crest Elementary Parent Club (MCEPC) Dine to Donate Fundraiser at My Taco Hacienda in Hesperia from Wednesday 3/30 to Friday 4/1 from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
almost 3 years ago, Mission Crest
My Taco Hacienda
Mission Crest Morning Announcements for the Week of 3/28/2022 Congratulations Ayani from Mr. Boatwright's class on being the Student of the Week! Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sabVOKphVKWy9kNw0nh7djZFTEJuIjaI/view?usp=sharing
almost 3 years ago, Mission Crest
MC News 3 28 22
Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable Spring Break! We will see you back on campus Monday, March 28.
almost 3 years ago, Mission Crest Elementary
Spring Break March 21 - March 25
Mission Crest Morning Announcements for the Week of 3/15/2022. Congratulations to Sydnie from Mrs. Peckinpaugh's Class on being this week's Student of the Week. Link to video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16vLhzynWXyqCLiuGQx6TxNdjGmoJFghc/view?usp=sharing
about 3 years ago, Mission Crest
MC News 3/15/22
Hesperia Unified School District's Family Resource Center March Calendar
about 3 years ago, Mission Crest
March FRC
Mission Crest News for the week of March 8, 2022 Congratulations to JoJo from Mrs. Ast and Mrs. McCraw's class on being this week's Student of the Week! Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qe2Ox_3oaTPVcmGQI2vv4uyQgtAGVYsA/view?usp=sharing
about 3 years ago, Mission Crest
MC News 3/08/2022
HUSD Family Resource Center Bimonthly Newsletter
about 3 years ago, Mission Crest
FRC BiMonthly Newsletter
Mission Crest Morning News for the week of 3/1/2022. Congratulations to Carter from Mrs. Patti's Class on being this week's Student of the Week! Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SEqR6_gaT8kMxfQaRg90RXzWsMEBd6Q1/view?usp=sharing
about 3 years ago, Mission Crest
MC News 2/1/2022
Read Across America Day at Mission Crest Wednesday, March 2nd Students, Wear your Pajamas to School Day See flyer for more details about the day's activities. Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
about 3 years ago, Mission Crest
MC Read Across America Day 2022
Mission Crest Morning Announcements for the Week of 2/22/2022. Congratulations to Sarah and Carlos on being the Chargers of the Week! Link to the Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZjhadtJzv5fbRF-AUUawEWL0apCbimOm/view?usp=sharing
about 3 years ago, Mission Crest
MC News 2/22/22
Mission Crest News for the week of February 14, 2022 Congratulations to Ethan on being this week's Student of the Week! Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WlGnebD1GTJUWpUpJM7A34WqjhZfcOc3/view?usp=sharing
about 3 years ago, Mission Crest
MC News 2/17/22
Clases de inglés martes Y jueves 9 am - 11 am Empezando el 29 de marzo hasta el 19 de mayo (espacio limitado disponible) Si esta interesado comuniquese con la Sra.Taylor (760) 949-8265 o leticia.taylor@hesperiausd.org para registrarse antes de 15 de marzo
about 3 years ago, Mission Crest
Clases De Ingles
The ultimate 'twos'day - 2/22/22! Let's have some fun and dress up for this unique day! Wear tutus, ties, tie dye, tieras, tube socks and/or tennis shoes! The sillier the better!
about 3 years ago, Mission Crest Elementary
Tutus, ties, tie dye, tieras,  tube socks and/or tennis shoes.
Western Regional Vex Robotics Competition February 9, 2022 Starting at 4:00 PM Link to Live Stream: missioncrestelementary.org/o/mission-crest-elementary-school/page/live-stream-and-video If the link does not work, please copy and past into the URL
about 3 years ago, Mission Crest
Mission Crest morning announcements for the week of February 7, 2022. Congratulations Olivia L. from Mrs. Hubbell's class on being this week's Charger of the Week. Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lY8ecbEIHB944dXn7Jc0xztnM31bETtX/view?usp=sharing
about 3 years ago, Mission Crest
MC News 2/7/22