Mission Crest News for the week of January 31, 2022. Congratulations to Keyonie from Mrs. Portanova's Class on being the student of the week! Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1detjQ1II84RgWQEuPbyjpQf4gkPMimwX/view?usp=sharing
about 3 years ago, Mission Crest
MC News 1/31/22
Ranchero road widening project to begin soon. Please click the link for more info: https://5il.co/14x8y
about 3 years ago, Hesperia Unified
You are invited to Mission Crest's Parent Club (MCEPC) Meeting today, January 25th at 2:15 PM via Zoom. Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82118763655
about 3 years ago, Mission Crest
MCEPC 1/25
Mission Crest Morning News for the week of 1/24/2022. Congratulations to Isaiah M. on being this week's Charger of the week! Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h-NgNEBRZwuTrsspXY6vx7dTT13NSqiK/view?usp=sharing
about 3 years ago, Mission Crest
MC News 1/24/2022
Dear parents/guardians, If your student is an English learner, we would like to hear your thoughts regarding your school's program for English learners. This information will help us to improve the services and support that we provide to our English learners. Please complete one survey for each school that your children attend. The survey will be open until January 28, 2022. Thank you. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdRF2kIJXQvFfp3XzUD5PTkoU7xoUo4A2mcikfSdNV4HES5pA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 Estimados padres/tutores, Si su estudiante está aprendiendo el inglés, quisiéramos saber sus opiniones sobre el programa para aprendices de inglés de su escuela. Esta información nos ayudará a mejorar los servicios y apoyo que les brindamos a nuestros estudiantes. Por favor complete una encuesta para cada escuela a la cual sus hijos asisten. La encuesta estará abierta hasta el 28 de enero de 2022. Gracias. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdRF2kIJXQvFfp3XzUD5PTkoU7xoUo4A2mcikfSdNV4HES5pA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
about 3 years ago, Hesperia Unified
Next week is The Great Kindness Challenge. We will be participating in a variety of activities at school, including dress up days. Please refer to the list below for the theme for each day. We're looking forward to watching kindness spread across our campus! Monday, January 24th: KINDNESS TIES US TOGETHER (Wear a tie) Tuesday, January 25th: CRAZY FOR KINDNESS (Crazy hats or crazy hair) Wednesday, January 26th: NEVER TOO OLD FOR KINDNESS (Dress as an old person) Thursday, January 27th: DOUBLE UP ON KINDNESS (Dress as a twin) Friday, January 28th: WE GET A CHARGE OUT OF BEING KIND (Wear your Charger Gear)
about 3 years ago, Mission Crest Elementary
The Great Kindness Challenge. Kindness matters at my school. My school is proudly participating in The Great Kindness Challenge.
You are invited to Mission Crest's ELAC Meeting February 16th from 10:00 - 11:30 via Zoom Please see flyer for more information including zoom link
about 3 years ago, Mission Crest
Mission Crest News for the week of 1/18/2022 Congratulations Kayla on being this week's student of the week! Link to video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fTp6gSfrNon1yMk_wQN3n_cXAIlzXQ8B/view?usp=sharing
about 3 years ago, Mission Crest
MC News 1/18/2022
Mission Crest COVID Test Distribution Tuesday 1/18 - Thursday 1/20 From 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Located at the front of the school. For more information in English and Spanish , please see the pictured flyers.
about 3 years ago, Mission Crest
Spanish COVID Test PU Letter
Mission Crest Morning Announcements for the week of January 10th. Congratulations to Denver T. in Mrs. Pierce's Class on being this week's student of the week. Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10xPLkeira6uZ4TVyToEA3_vOm_AGiWuu/view?usp=sharing
about 3 years ago, Mission Crest
MC News 1/10/22
Welcome Back and Happy New Year! Mission Crest News for the week of January 3, 2022 Congratulations Adam on being student of the week! Link to video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wFvMdkdXdr1iFK6-5XJ0wHajli7lshT2/view?usp=sharing
about 3 years ago, Mission Crest
MC News January 3
Hello Mission Crest Parents, please take a look at the new CDPH mask guidelines effective 12/15/2021 - 1/15/2022 for adults and students on campus. Link to Update: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oTSesWwW4S7DPUtc5j06H3OSgZcKFsLAjCcd1r4dn-U/edit?usp=sharing
over 3 years ago, Mission Crest
Mask Guidelines 12/14/2021
A special visit and reading of the Gingerbread Man from Santa after the play.
over 3 years ago, Mission Crest
What fun! Mission Crest Elementary 1st grade Gingerbread Play. 1st grade parents, be looking for the video coming soon from your child's teacher.
over 3 years ago, Mission Crest
You are invited to attend! Mission Crest Parent Club Meeting (MCEPC) December 14, 2021 2:10 – 3:10 PM Via Zoom Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82118763655
over 3 years ago, Mission Crest
MCEPC Mtg 12/14 at 2:10
You are invited to the Jolly Parade Friday, December 17th at approximately 5:30 PM in Mission Crest's front parking lot. YES, SANTA IS COMING TO MISSION CREST! Mission Crest Parent Club will have hot chocolate and Christmas Music starting at 5:00PM. Merry Christmas!
over 3 years ago, Mission Crest
Jolly Parade 2021
Mission Crest News for the week of December 13th. Congratulations Natalie on being this week's student of the week! Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1efOPhWWj_N6_tgOubanbRqWmMA2jumpM/view?usp=sharing
over 3 years ago, Mission Crest
MC News 12/13/21
Hesperia's Jolly Parade December 17th from 4pm-7pm. If you missed Santa at one of his stops, join us at Civic Plaza Park at 7pm for photos and hot chocolate!
over 3 years ago, Hesperia Unified
Jolly Parade Flyer
Hello Mission Crest Families, As the weather gets colder, please send your child(ren) layered in the appropriate winter clothes (jackets, beanies, gloves, etc). Please remind your child(ren) to check the lost and found for lost items. All items left in the lost and found will be donated to a local charity during Winter Break.
over 3 years ago, Mission Crest
Winter Clothes
Mission Crest Morning Announcements for the Week of December 6, 2021 Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C1P3IYXRLTQ1nHeL01BNT0TmkTnNdwUr/view?usp=sharing Have a great week!
over 3 years ago, Mission Crest
MC News 12/6/2021