Mission Crest students having fun at Chargers Ignite with Houpitup! Great job showing BOLT Behaviors Chargers!
10 months ago, Mission Crest
Chargers Ignite #4
Chargers Ignite #4
Chargers Ignite #4
Chargers Ignite #4
Chargers Ignite #4
Chargers Ignite #4
Chargers Ignite #4
Chargers Ignite #4
Chargers Ignite #4
Chargers Ignite #4
Hello Mission Crest Families, we will be donating the contents of Mission Crest's lost and found after the last day of school. Teachers will be taking students to look for lost items these last days of school. However, if you would like to look, the last day is Thursday, May 30th.
10 months ago, Mission Crest
Lost and Found
Congratulations to Daniella R. from Mrs. Class on being the Charger of the Week for the week of May 20, 2024. Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eMIXyHLwoFEnPWpJHhCXJv-VPAYDZXw6/view?usp=sharing
10 months ago, Mission Crest
Daniella R. Charger of the Week
Reminder... This week is the Almost Summer Spirit Week! Check out the pictured flyer for more information.
10 months ago, Mission Crest
Spirit Week
Mission Crest's advanced band and strings performed for their classes and parents. They have improved so much this year and did a great job! A special thank you to Mr. Moreno, the music teacher, for all his effort in preparing the kids for today.
10 months ago, Mission Crest
Congratulations to Karina from Mrs. Escarzaga and Ben from Mr. Boatwright's classes on being the Chargers of the Week for the week of May 13, 2024! Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11AYYS1e5ESuqozUG0fItSEWipjjzQwgq/view?usp=sharing
10 months ago, Mission Crest
Ben and Karina - Chargers of the Week
Congratulation to Mission Crest's participants in the HUSD Games. We were excited to send off our athletes with a special parade!
10 months ago, Mission Crest
HUSD Games
HUSD Games
HUSD Games
HUSD Games
HUSD Games
HUSD Games
HUSD Games
HUSD Games
HUSD Games
HUSD Games
Congratulations to Mission Crests' Spirit Award Winners for the months of March and April: March Mrs. Muzquiz's Class Mrs. Barber's Class Mrs. Mandujano's Class Mrs. Peckinpaugh's Class Ms. Skiffington's Class Mrs. Clement's Class April Mrs. Barber's Class Mrs. Douglas's Class Mrs. Atkin's Class Mrs. E. Gonzalez's Class Ms. Skiffington's Class Mrs. Peckinpaugh's Class Mrs. Mestas's Class
10 months ago, Mission Crest
Spirit Award Winners
Spirit Award Winners
Spirit Award Winners
Spirit Award Winners
Spirit Award Winners
Spirit Award Winners
Spirit Award Winners
Spirit Award Winners
Spirit Award Winners
Estamos encantados de anunciar que los edificios TK/K llegarán el viernes 9 de mayo, pero esto requerirá el cierre del área de entrega en semicírculo a lo largo de Independence St. El viernes, la entrega se reubicará a lo largo de Independence St, más cerca del cartel superior. Absténgase de estacionarse en el lado este de Independence Street y evite estacionarse en doble fila. Por razones de seguridad, asegúrese de que sus hijos no salgan de los vehículos para caminar entre los autos durante la entrega. Por favor planifique tiempo adicional y apreciamos sinceramente su paciencia durante este tiempo de transición.
10 months ago, Mission Crest
Construction Update
We're thrilled to announce that the TK/K buildings will arrive on Friday, May 9th, but this will necessitate the closure of the half-circle drop-off area along Independence St. On Friday, drop-off will be relocated along Independence St, closer to the top sign. Please refrain from parking on the Eastside of Independence Street and avoid double parking. For safety reasons, do not double park and do not let your children exit vehicles to walk between cars during drop-off . Kindly plan for extra time, and we sincerely appreciate your patience during this time of transition.
10 months ago, Mission Crest
School Construction
An event you won’t want to miss. Come be part of something incredible.
10 months ago, Hesperia Unified
HUSD Games Post
Congratulations to Zaylee D. from Mrs. Muzquiz's Class and Laila D. from Mrs. Olmedo's Class on being the Charger of the week for the week of May 6th. Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xmOPmbMIRE9_fq7S9PntkCOjdO_UkAc9/view?usp=sharing
10 months ago, Mission Crest
Zaylee and Laila Chargers of the Week
This year's annual Color Fun Run was such a great day. Thank you to all of you that supported the event. A special thank you to all of the volunteers.
10 months ago, Mission Crest
Color Fun Run 9
Color Fun Run 8
Color Fun Run 7
Color Fun Run 6
Color Fun Run 5
Color Fun Run 4
Color Fun Run 3
Color Fun Run 2
Color Fun Run 1
Color Fun Run 10
Hello Mission Crest Families, The Mission Crest Elementary Parent Club (MCEPC) is looking for parents to hold executive positions on the MCEPC Board. Positions available are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and Sergeant in Arms. The primary goal of the MCEPC is to provide the funds for activities for our children throughout the year; including Charger’s Ignite, book fairs, field trips, awards and other fun learning incentives. We fundraise all year long to make this possible. The only way this can happen is with volunteers like you! In the space provided below, please indicate a parent you would like to nominate for a position on the MCEPC Board. This parent may be you, a friend, or family member (over 18 years old and not an employee of HUSD). If the parent you are referring to is not you, please put your name on the Referring Parent line. Our next MCEPC meeting is Thursday, May 23rd at 2:15 pm in the Library. Please attend this meeting to gain more information on how you can help, and what each position will entail. In order to be considered for a board position, you must be a paid member and have volunteered for at least 2 of our events. We have one more event that you can participate in before the end of the year. Follow our Instagram @mce_parent_club for all of our upcoming events. We will be holding elections on May 23rd. If you have any questions, you can contact MCEPC at mceparentclub@gmail.com or by calling the school at (760) 949-8265. Thank you so much and we look forward to adding more parents to our Parent Club! Without you, we can’t do what we do! Link to Election Form: https://forms.gle/pkKJEeFwZgeq72G19 ¡Saludos padres de Mission Crest! El Club de Padres de la Primaria Mission Crest (MCEPC) está buscando padres para ocupar puestos ejecutivos en la Junta de MCEPC. Los puestos disponibles son presidente, vicepresidente, secretario, tesorero, historiador y sargento de armas. El objetivo principal de MCEPC es proporcionar fondos para actividades para nuestros niños durante todo el año; incluyendo Charger's Ignite, ferias de libros, excursiones, premios y otros incentivos de aprendizaje divertidos. Recaudamos fondos durante todo el año para que esto sea posible. ¡La única forma en que esto puede suceder es con voluntarios como usted! En el espacio proporcionado a continuación, indique un padre que le gustaría nominar para un puesto en la Junta de MCEPC. Este padre puede ser usted, un amigo o un familiar (mayor de 18 años y no empleado de HUSD). Si el padre al que se refiere no es usted, escriba su nombre en la línea Padre de referencia. Nuestra próxima reunión de MCEPC es el jueves 23 de mayo a las 2:15 pm en la biblioteca. Asista a esta reunión para obtener más información sobre cómo puede ayudar y qué implica cada puesto. Para ser considerado para un puesto en la junta, debe ser un miembro pagado y haberse ofrecido como voluntario en al menos 2 de nuestros eventos. Tenemos uno más en los que puedes participar antes de fin de año. Siga nuestro Instagram @mce_parent_club para todos nuestros próximos eventos. Tendremos elecciones el 23 de mayo. Si tiene alguna pregunta, puede comunicarse con MCEPC en mceparentclub@gmail.com o llamando a la escuela al (760) 949-8265. ¡Muchas gracias y esperamos agregar más padres a nuestro Club de Padres! ¡Sin ti, no podemos hacer lo que hacemos! Link to Election Form: https://forms.gle/pkKJEeFwZgeq72G19
10 months ago, Mission Crest
MCEPC Elections
Hola padres de Mission Crest, tengo una actualización sobre el progreso de la construcción. Mañana, 30 de abril, se colocarán los cimientos de las nuevas aulas. Durante este tiempo, la bajada de Independence St. se realizará a lo largo de la acera comenzando en la entrada del círculo de bajada. Anticipe algunos retrasos y realmente apreciamos su paciencia durante esta fase de la construcción. Gracias.
11 months ago, Mission Crest
4/30 Construction Update
Hello Mission Crest Parents, I have an update on the construction progress. Tomorrow, April 30th, the foundation for the new classrooms will be poured. During this time, the Independence St. drop-off will occur along the sidewalk starting at the entrance of the drop-off circle. Please anticipate some delays and we truly appreciate your patience during this phase of the construction. Thank you.
11 months ago, Mission Crest
4/30 Construction Update
Congratulations to Mission Crest Film Club members Arianna A., Lylianna L., and Kaylynn S., on winning Best Elementary Film and Best Acting at Hesperia Unified School District's iCan Film Festival! Great job, we are so proud of you!
11 months ago, Mission Crest
iCan Film Festival
iCan Film Festival
iCan Film Festival
iCan Film Festival
Congratulations to the following classes on being the Spirit Award Winners for the month of February! Primary Grades: Ms. Barber Ms. Watts Mrs E. Gonzalez Upper Grades: Mrs. Peckinpaugh Mrs. Boatwright Ms. Skiffington
11 months ago, Mission Crest
Spirit Award Winner
Spirit Award Winner
Spirit Award Winner
Spirit Award Winner
Spirit Award Winner
Spirit Award Winner
Congratulations to Mario C. from Mrs. Houchins Class on being the Charger of the Week for the week of April 22, 2024. Link to Video: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11NBEhTpbd8X5DUUdANa3q5sWy_ZYwnBoFRw78MDfNf4/edit?usp=sharing
11 months ago, Mission Crest
Mario C. Charger of the Week
Hello Mission Crest Families, please be aware that the southbound lanes on Escondido Ave will be closed for cleaning and sewer inspection on Tues. 4/23 to Fri. 4/26 from 7AM to 4PM. This may cause more traffic backup than usual. Allow for extra time when traveling to and from school. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact the City of Hesperia Public Works Division.
11 months ago, Mission Crest