Congratulation to Mission Crest's raffle winners for the month of March for showing consideration! Mission Crest kicked off the month of April with a Pep Rally for this month's character trait, caring.

Congratulations to Mission Crests' 2023 - 2024 Employees of the year!
Teacher of the Year: Katie Peckinpaugh
Classified Staff: Kim Martin
Certificated Support Staff: Kristy James

You are invited to HUSD's African American Parent Advisory Council (AAPAC) meeting being held at Mission Crest on Thu. Apr. 18th from 4:30 - 6:30 in the Parent Center. This months topic is Mental Health and Wellness. We will have a special Guest Speaker: Dr. Natasha Sconiers. All are welcome. If you can not make it in person, you can watch it through Live Stream. See the pictured flyer (Facebook and Website) for more information.

The Mission Crest Annual Color Fun Run is Friday, May 3rd during school hours. Fun run color packages are on sale now! Please note that the flyer going home has a section to mark if you do NOT want your child to participate. Be aware that the color packets may stain clothing. Please see the pictured flyer for more details. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact the front office or MCEPC directly.

Congratulations to Julianna G. from Mrs. Atkin's Class on being the Charger of the Week for the week of April 15th. Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZEvQYYn9Uhp4zHfm2gd2HCPdJ-uSlsrG/view?usp=sharing

Tonight's MCEPC sponsored Family Dance, Barnyard Boogie, was such a fun event. Thank you to all of you came out and enjoyed the event.

Hello Mission Crest Families, the 2024 - 2025 school year is approaching. If you would like to request a teacher, click on the link below. Please note that your request may not result in your child being placed with the teacher requested. This form, specifically the *explanation section will be reviewed during placement meetings. Your input is valuable and your request will be taken into consideration as part of the placement process. Requests must take place prior to Tuesday, April 30th at 3:00 pm. Completion of this form does not guarantee your child’s placement with the requested teacher.
Link to Form: https://forms.gle/f8cpzvDUWiy4Z6fa7
Hola familias de Mission Crest, se acerca el año escolar 2024 - 2025. Si desea solicitar un maestro, haga clic en el enlace a continuación. Tenga en cuenta que su solicitud puede no resultar en que su hijo sea ubicado con el maestro solicitado. Este formulario, específicamente la sección *explicación, se revisará durante las reuniones de colocación. Su opinión es valiosa y su solicitud se tendrá en cuenta como parte del proceso de colocación. Las solicitudes deberán realizarse antes del martes 30 de abril a las 3:00 PM. Completar este formulario no garantiza la colocación de su hijo con el maestro solicitado.
Link to Form: https://forms.gle/f8cpzvDUWiy4Z6fa7

Just a friendly reminder, Fri., Apr 12th is the MCEPC sponsored family dance, Barnyard Boogie, in the MPR from 4:30 - 7:00 PM. For more details, see the pictured flyer on the Mission Crest website or Facebook page. Solo un recordatorio amistoso: el viernes 12 de abril es el baile familiar patrocinado por MCEPC, Barnyard Boogie en el MPR de 4:30 a 7:00 p.m. Para obtener más detalles, consulte el folleto que aparece en la foto en el sitio web de Mission Crest o en la página de Facebook.

Congratulations to Mehtaab P. from Mrs. Barber's Class on being the Charger of the Week for the week of April 8, 2024. Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hZi2MWOU8QUiFwR_O9wPW7lXOrT4r1yE/view?usp=sharing

Atención, familias de Mission Crest, por razones de seguridad, el camino a lo largo de la cerca de construcción en el área de acceso para vehículos de llegada de Independence ahora está cerrado. Utilice los pasillos pavimentados de la ciudad que conducen a la puerta abierta cuando camine hacia la entrada Independence durante el horario de llegada. No camine por el carril de tránsito para vehículos. Su seguridad es nuestra prioridad. Gracias por su cooperación.

Attention Mission Crest Families, for safety reasons, the walkway along the construction fencing at the Independence arrival drive-through area is now closed. Please use the paved city walkways leading to the open gate when walking to the Independence entrance during arrival times. Do not walk through the drive-through traffic lane. Your safety is our priority. Thank you for your cooperation.

Last day to pre-order the 2023 - 2024 Mission Crest Yearbook is April 10th. See the pictured flyer for more information.

You are invited to HUSD's AAPAC meeting being held at Mission Crest on Thu. Apr. 18th from 4:30 - 6:30 in the Parent Center. This months topic is Mental Health and Wellness. We will have a special Guest Speaker: Dr. Natasha Sconiers. All are welcome. If you can not make it in person, you can watch it through Live Stream. See the pictured flyer for more information.

Congratulations to Isaiah M. from Mr. Lett's Class on being the Charger of the Week for the week of April 1st. Check out this video telling why he as selected: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xa6ADdC_eN-JqRRQe6iJdk7O_dK0qn4l/view?usp=sharing

Hello Mission Crest Families, check out the pictured Counseling Connection flyer pictured for the month of April. This months character trait that your child(ren) will be learning about is "Caring."

¡Hola comunidad de Mission Crest y bienvenidos nuevamente desde las vacaciones de primavera! Me complace anunciar que ha comenzado la construcción de nuestras 2 nuevas aulas. La llegada y salida de los caminantes a lo largo de Independence, la llegada y la recogida seguirán siendo las mismas, excepto que todos los estudiantes entrarán o saldrán por la primera puerta. Tenga en cuenta que es seguro y recomendable dejar que sus hijos salgan del automóvil por los pasillos que conducen a la puerta. El área de paso está reducida a un carril, así que tenga mucha paciencia y esté atento a los peatones.

Hello Mission Crest Community and welcome back from Spring Break! I am happy to announce that construction on our 2 new classrooms has started. Arrival and dismissal along Independence for walkers, drop off, and pick up will remain the same except all students will enter or exit through the first gate. Please know that it is safe and encouraged to let your child(ren) out of the car along the walkways leading to the gate. The drive through area is narrowed to one lane so please be extra patient and aware of pedestrians.

El Centro para Padres de Mission Crest ofrece clases de inglés. Consulte el folleto que se muestra en la imagen para obtener más información.

Congratulations to Mrs. Olmedo's and Mrs. Garcia's classes on being the 3rd Quarter Chick-fil-A Attendance Winners. They received a special visit and a gift card for a meal at Chick-fil-A. Thank you Chick-fil-A for supporting Mission Crest students in our efforts to improve attendance.

The 2nd Grade Fairytales Ball was so much fun! Thank you to all the volunteers that helped set up. It was a special day for Mission Crest's 2nd graders. Check out the Mission Crest website "Student Life" tab for a Live Feed video of the event.