All schools and district offices will be closed for Spring Break from March 25th to March 29th and reopen Monday, April 1st.

Hello Mission Crest Families. Today, Fri., March 22nd is a regular school day with dismissal at 1:47 PM. Next week, 3/25-3/29, is Spring Break. Enjoy the time off and we will see you back on Mon, April 1st. Hola familias de Mission Crest. Hoy, viernes 22 de marzo, es un día escolar regular con salida a la 1:47 p.m. La próxima semana, del 25 al 29 de marzo, son las vacaciones de primavera. Disfrute del tiempo libre y nos vemos el lunes 1 de abril.

You are invited to the MCEPC sponsored family dance, Barnyard Boogie on Friday, April 12th from 4:30 - 7:00 PM. It is going to be a fun night of food and dancing. See the pictured flyer for more information. Space is limited so please RSVP by or before April 10th.
Está invitado al baile familiar patrocinado por MCEPC, Barnyard Boogie, el viernes 12 de abril de 4:30 a 7:00 p.m. Será una noche divertida de comida y baile. Consulte el folleto en la foto para obtener más información. El espacio es limitado, así que confirme su asistencia antes del 10 de abril.

HUSD Games coming Spring 2024 • Follow @HUSDGames on Instagram for the latest updates. This inaugural fitness event will unite and uplift students with disabilities across the Hesperia Unified School District. 🏅

You are invited the HUSD SpEd Talks on April 10 from 10:30 to Noon at the district office. This is a great resource and opportunity. For more information, see the pictured flyer.
Está invitado a las charlas de educación especial de HUSD el 10 de abril de 10:30 al mediodía en la oficina del distrito. Este es un gran recurso y oportunidad. Para obtener más información, consulte el folleto que se muestra en la imagen.

Congratulations to Dominick O. from Mrs. Oritiz's Class on being the Charger of the Week for the week of March 18th. Check out this video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GtC_O_kFKtALlcxidMgs4om549YiPF1I/view?usp=sharing

Hello Mission Crest Families of 6th grade students and future Cedar students. If your child is interested in Colorguard for next year, check out the pictured flyer.

You are invited to Taming Your Wiggles and Jiggles parent workshop hosted by the Mission Crest Parent Center on Thursday, April 11th from 10:00 to Noon. Please RSVP by April 9th by calling the front office and asking for Mrs. Taylor ext. 2626. We hope to see you there.
Está invitado al taller para padres Taming Your Wiggles and Jiggles organizado por el Centro para padres de Mission Crest el jueves 11 de abril de 10:00 a mediodía. Confirme su asistencia antes del 9 de abril llamando a la oficina principal y preguntando por la ext. de la Sra. Taylor. 2626. Esperamos verte allí.

Mission Crest Book Fair is happening this week March 11th - 15th in the Library. Parents, you are invited as well on Wednesday, March 13th after school from 1:00 to 4:00. Also, you can shop online and purchase book fair items virtually. See the pictured flyer for more details.
La Feria del Libro de Mission Crest se llevará a cabo esta semana del 11 al 15 de marzo en la biblioteca. Padres, también están invitados el miércoles 13 de marzo después de clases de 1:00 a 4:00. También puede comprar en línea y adquirir artículos de la feria del libro de forma virtual. Consulte el folleto en la foto para obtener más detalles.

Congratulations to Jasiah L. from Mrs. Peckinpaugh's Class on being this week's Charger of the Week for the week of March 11th. Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H-KPIZnZYV_voWJgrjNV3hLtMLDFVD5B/view?usp=sharing

Spring Pictures are Friday, March 15th. Please see the pictured flyer for more details.
Las fotos de primavera son el viernes 15 de marzo. Consulte el folleto que aparece en la imagen para obtener más detalles.

You are invited to Mission Crest English Language Advisory Council (ELAC) Meeting is Wednesday, March 13th in the Parent Center. Please see the picture for more information. Está invitado a la reunión del Consejo Asesor del Idioma Inglés (ELAC) de Mission Crest que se celebrará el miércoles 13 de marzo en el Centro de Padres. Por favor vea la imagen para más información.

Congratulations to the following classes for being Spirit Award Winners for the month of January! Keep showing your spirit by wearing your Mission Crest colors or gear on Fridays.
Miss Watts's Class
Mrs. Barber's Class
Mrs. Goslin's Class
Upper Grade
Mrs. Peckinpaugh's Class
Mrs. Skiffington's Class
Mrs. Clement's Class

Mission Crest's Counseling Connection. This months character trait is "Being Considerate" which is directly related to our BOLT Behavior "Think About Others." Check out this month's newsletter to find out more about what your child is learning!

Congratulations to Keanu C. from Mrs. Ast's Class on being the Charger of the Week for the week of March 4th. Link to Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mG6IFknTt30yoy37rOyiNc8uZCM-tQC-/view?usp=sharing

Congratulations to Mission Crest's Vex Robotics Team made up of Shayan, Nautica, Eddie, and Adrian on making it to the State Robotics Competitions on Sunday, March 3rd. They placed 11th out of 40 teams and we are so proud of them. They truly did a great job throughout the season showing their ingenuity, creativeness, collaboration, communication, and sportsmanship.

Mission Crest had their annual Read Across America Day on Friday, March 1st. Students had so much fun with all the special guests including author, Allan Woodrow. Thank you to all of the guest readers and to Texas Roadhouse for supporting this event. The kids truly enjoyed a full day celebrating and taking part in literacy based activities.

Reminder, you are invited to Mission Crest's 5th Annual Family Fun BINGO Night held on Friday, March 8th from 4:30 - 7:00. We have great food, fun and prizes. I hope to see you there! See pictured flyer for more details.
Está invitado a la quinta noche anual de BINGO de diversión familiar de Mission Crest que se llevará a cabo el viernes 8 de marzo de 4:30 a 7:00. Tenemos excelente comida, diversión y premios. ¡Espero verte allí! Consulte el folleto en la foto para obtener más detalles.

You are invited to Mission Crest English Language Advisory Council (ELAC) Meeting is Wednesday, March 13th in the Parent Center. Please see the picture for more information.
Está invitado a la reunión del Consejo Asesor del Idioma Inglés (ELAC) de Mission Crest que se celebrará el miércoles 13 de marzo en el Centro de Padres. Por favor vea la imagen para más información.

You are invited to come and support MCEPC by participating in Dine to Donate program at Jersey Mike's on Wednesday, March 6th from 1:00 to 7:30PM. See pictured flyer for more details.
Está invitado a venir y apoyar a MCEPC participando en el programa Dine to Donate en Jersey Mike's el miércoles 6 de marzo de 1:00 a 7:30 p.m. Consulte el folleto en la foto para obtener más detalles.